Monday, 7 October 2013

Sony PS3 will Prepare Super Thin - 1000% Free Software Downloads

PlayStation 3 (PS3) is believed to be getting some updates. Sony made ​​console specification listed in the document Federal Communications Commission (FCC) United States (U.S.).

Sony PS3 Slim seems to feel is still pretty slim. In a recent document submitted to the FCC, Sony indicated that preparing super slim PS3.

The FCC documents mention a number of specifications, such as WLAN antenna for line CECH-4000 on the PS3 system. There is also a diagram showing the FCC label in one corner of the device.

As is known, after releasing the first version of the PS3 'fat' in November 2006, Sony then introduced the first slim PS3 version in August 2009. Many are predicting, Sony will introduce a PS3 super slimnya on August 15, 2012.

PS3 Slim 32 percent lighter, 36 percent smaller and consumes 34 percent less power than the PS3 version of the old. Sony also cut the price of USD 100 to boost sales figures.

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